
PostHeaderIcon 25th Annual Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium

The Deseret News covered the event:

I know that these events have happened at a number of stadiums around the country, and I’d love to hear where they are happening currently and where they have happened in the past.

The 25-year-long record at Dodger Stadium is impressive, isn’t it?

Should we be encouraging these events elsewhere?

Perhaps we need a guide for how to put on these events elsewhere?


2 Responses to “25th Annual Mormon Night at Dodger Stadium”

  • Hechtspeed says:

    Love your blog, just found it tonight searching for how active Bryce Harper is. haha I grew up in SoCal and remember going to a few “Mormon Nights” at Dodger Stadium. I think it’d be great to see more of these around the country. Living in Utah, wish we had a major league team here. :) But, Raptors and Bees games are fun to go to! Kindof a built in “Mormon Night” every night. Keep up the cool blog!

  • Brett says:

    The SF Giants used to do these when Kent and Estes were these and Young, Greg Clark, Bart Oats, Ty Detmer etc. were on the 49ers.

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